Rebates and Incentives

Rebates and Incentives- Utility Appliances


Are you a business owner whose electricity consumption is below 300KW?
Would you like to benefit from the rebates and incentives provided under “2022-SMB Direct Install Program”, but don’t know what and how to go about it?

In this blog, we take a look at what the SMB incentives scheme is all about and who can avail the benefits of the program. 

The incentive scheme:

The Small Business Commercial Direct Install (SMB CDI) program provides free surveys and equipment setup for businesses with under 300kW per month electricity demand. This includes a customized recommendation on how to improve your energy efficiency, as well as installation of some efficient materials like fluorescent lamps or thermostat setbacks that you may not have thought about.
The SMB program is an instant rebate program. Incentives are paid directly to the contractor and the customer is responsible for the remaining copay after incentives. The program work order will outline the incentive and copay for the customer when the project is proposed.

ConEdison offers additional rebates and incentives for customers in select Brooklyn and Queens neighborhoods. The incentive can cover up to 100% of the cost, making it free!

To learn more about these great deals visit their website or call ahead so you don’t miss out on any opportunities that may be available where.

Neighborhood Program Rebates and Incentives:

Measure Type NewTown Network Brownsville Network
Lighting Up to $650 per kW Up to $650 per kW
Lighting Controls Up to $650 per kW Up to $650 per kW
Refrigeration Up to $650 per kW Up to $650 per kW
HVAC Up to $1200 per kW Up to $1200 per kW


* Only select HVAC & Refrigeration measures are eligible for the Neighborhood Program Incentives.

* Neighborhood Program Incentives are subject to change during the program year.

Duration validity:

The SMB scheme is valid for consumers from 01.01.22 and states that all projects must be installed by December 15, 2022. Any projects not completed by this deadline may be subject

to de-commitment. All savings calculations are subject to New York State Technical Resource Manual savings calculations or Con Edison Measurement & Verification review. Incentives cannot exceed 60% of the customer’s project cost.

Commercial HVAC:

HVAC’s are an integral presence in every household and commercial space and provide the necessary comfort for living with the change in external temperatures. The SMB incentive program offers benefits to small businesses while installing and utilizing their HVAC. One must note that the program allows only select HVAC measures for being eligible to the program and hence knowledge regarding your HVAC unit is a must to avail the benefits from the program.

Airlogix Benefits:

AirLogix offers hassle-free, expert, and prompt service, affordable prices, exceptional quality, and an experience of over 30 years in sales, installation, and maintenance of residential and commercial HVACs’. AirLogix provides customized and customer-friendly service packages to ensure swift and expert maintenance of your HVAC. Airlogix also helps you gain the benefits from the SMB program so that you can maximize your rebates and incentives & enjoy the best ROI on your commercial HVAC investment.

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