“My ice maker stopped working” – Here’s what you can do.


What are Ice makers, and how do they work?

Ice makers or Ice machines are common households and commercial appliances. The process of making ice is universal and cannot be altered. Water is poured into molds and is frozen until it becomes ice and then is jetted out in the form of cubes or the mold shape. There could be a lot reasons for why an ice maker stopped working.
The concept of ice makers and their mechanism is extremely interesting. The mundane process of cooling water has been modernized to an extent where one can avail of small, handheld pieces of glaciers even in the hottest weather conditions.

Types of Ice makers or Ice Machines:

1. Self-Contained Ice Machines
A self-contained unit combines the ice maker and bin. The compact size allows you to store the unit in small areas.
2. Modular Ice Machines
This unit is designed to sit on a separate unit, such as an ice bin, beverage machine, or ice dispenser.
3. Ice Dispensers
This self-serve machine not only makes ice but also dispenses it right from the unit.
4. Countertop Ice Makers
This machine is designed as a compact, self-serve unit and typically produces small, chewable ice, and it sits perfectly atop tables and countertops.

Types of Ice Machine Condensing Units

How to conduct basic cleaning and maintenance of Ice Makers?

An ice machine requires routine cleaning and preventative maintenance. Here are some ways to ensure it’s always running in peak condition.


  • Wipe down the machine’s exterior and bin with a soft cloth, mild detergent, and warm water.
  • Remove ice from the bin, scrub the interior walls, and cover with cleaner and sanitizer.
  • Remove ice from the machine and conduct a thorough cleaning at least once a month.

What are the most common problems when Ice Maker stopped working, and how do you resolve them?

An ice maker can stop working for a variety of reasons. Ice makers receive water through an inlet water supply line that runs from the refrigerator to a water pipe, funnel, or water filter.

Common reasons and solutions for when your ice maker is not working:

  • Pause feature enabled
    The control arm may have inadvertently been moved or fallen off and enabled the pause feature when it shouldn’t, causing ice maker functionality to be halted in its tracks- so check your owner’s manual for information about how this affects you!
  • Water line malfunction or setting
    The water supply line is the most important part of your ice maker. Check that it’s not shut off or restricted by a bracket, and ensure you have enough pressure in there!
  • Clogged filter
    If you don’t maintain your filters, they will get clogged and stop working properly. Make sure to check them every month or two. Refer to the machine manual and follow the filter maintenance and replacement instructions.
  • Faulty water inlet valve
    Before starting this task, ensure you check the location and operation of any valves. First, turn off both water supply lines outside, where they enter into an inside wall compartment or drainage point with shutoff screws, then unplug the ice maker. With these precautions, begin looking for blockages near installation sites, such as clogged screens due to sediment build-up. Also, inspect other pipes feeding into the same filter housing unit, including those that run adjacent.
  • The thermostat was set too low.
    Check your thermostat setting and ensure it’s set to the manufacturer’s recommended temperature in the owner’s manual. Water will freeze before it gets to the mold if it’s too low.
  • Ice Maker Not Making Enough Ice
    If the output of your ice maker has reduced, your line may be in the beginning stages of freezing up. Check for a frozen line. The ice maker won’t make as much ice if the freezer temperature is too high.
    If your freezer is set to 0 degrees and maintaining that temperature properly, then consider setting the freezer temperature to -1 degrees so ice cubes will freeze faster.
  • Ice Maker Leaking
    Here are some things you can check if your ice maker is leaking water in the freezer or onto the floor.
    First, ensure that there aren’t any cracks on either end of it and above where they attach to wall studs with a level accuracy scale (preferably every few inches). If everything looks good, start checking for leaks at different points along its supply line–from funnel tip, all the way down till the IPO tube connects into the cabinet/freezer section.

A frozen water line may be the culprit when all the items listed above are not the cause. You can defrost the line with a hair dryer. Always keep the hair dryer above the water source.
When the power is restored, and the water line is turned on, you should be able to hear the water gushing into the ice maker after thawing. If you don’t hear water running or the water is discolored, it’s time to make a call for an ice maker repair service.

If there is a complex problem, please contact professionals:

One must also remember that ice makers are complex machinery, and not every repair or maintenance job can be done without the expertise of professionals. Suppose you do not have any prior experience working with ice makers or are unsure of conducting the repair process yourself. In that case, it is advisable to call a service executive.

How Airlogix can help in ice maker repair services:

Commercial ice maker repair & installation is an important component of any restaurant, hotel, bar, and even health care facilities. We’ll service all types of ice makers, but these are the ones we see the most often:

  • Vogt Ice Makers
  • Hoshizaki Ice Makers
  • Scotsman Ice Makers
  • Manitowoc Ice Makers
  • Follett Ice Makers
  • Cornelius Ice Makers
  • Ice-O-Matic Ice Makers
  • Everpure Ice Makers

…And many more!

Commercial ice machine repair & installation differs from typical refrigeration services. Because your customers directly consume the ice from our ice machine, the FDA and health department regulate the cleaning and ice machine maintenance to ensure safety. The FDA is primarily concerned with the plumbing and prevention of any contamination, as well as the safety of your water supply.
When you have a factory-trained, certified technician following up on your preventative maintenance, they’ll be able to quickly spot any loose wires or fasteners that you may not notice while keeping busy with your restaurant.

In fact, with a maintenance agreement on your ice maker, you’ll never need to check up on these features, and you’ll avoid a costly commercial ice machine repair. You’ll only have clean, clear ice right when you need it. Trust AirLogix to be your partner for commercial ice maker repair & installation.

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