Hydroponic HVAC

Hydroponic Systems and HVAC Components


As indoor farming becomes increasingly more popular, hydroponic HVAC systems are used to keep the temperature constant and mimic the outside environment. Hydroponic cooling is more than just air conditioning that you turn on and off. The system creates just the right temperature and humidity to allow plants to grow and thrive.

Replicate Nature

Many times, indoor farms are set in greenhouses that permit ample light from the outside. But they also use artificial lights to act as the sun through all hours. For indoor plants and gardening, it’s essential to allow for the proper grow room so that the plants have room to expand and aren’t stunted by space limits.

Other ways that a hydroponic HVAC system contributes to replicating nature are with the use of:

  • Humidifier: Sometimes, a heater can create dry air in the room that is not great for specific plants. You can find the right amount of humidity that your plants need and keep it at those levels with a humidifier.
  • Dehumidifier: On the flip side, a dehumidifier will help keep humidity levels down if your building is too humid. Some plants do better in drier climates. An HVAC specialist can help you find the optimal humidity level for your indoor farm.
  • Ductless Air Rotation Systems: These systems can blow the air around to keep the indoor space from becoming stagnant and stale. Just like outside nature, plants need moving air to grow at their best.
  • Direct-Fired Heating: These efficient heaters provide just the right amount of heat to your indoor environment. You can be sure that your hydroponic HVAC professional will be able to monitor the room for perfect heat levels.
  • Evaporative Cooling: With an evaporative cooling system, the liquid is converted to vapor, creating a lower temperature in the room.

The different types of hydroponic HVAC equipment will work together to create the optimal environment for growing. When you eliminate the factors that can be detrimental to plants outside, including soil contamination, wind, animal tampering, and too much sun and too little water, then your plants can flourish.

Control and Monitor Remotely

One of the noteworthy benefits of a hydroponic HVAC system is that you can control the system remotely. You’re able to watch the environment from afar, adjusting the temperature and humidity level as needed. If you see the heating and ventilating need some tweaking, you can make the changes from afar or enlist the help of an HVAC professional to make remote adjustments.

This is a great way to implement HVAC specialists without having them there at the site. When you have help from the experts, you can be sure that the environment controllers are always at the optimal settings for your indoor farm.

Innovate with Less Risk

When you plant an indoor garden, you are eliminating all of the outside factors that could contribute to your plants dying or not growing at the optimal rate. Here are some benefits to inside farming:

  1. Controlled Light: With LED lights, the sun can be replicated and produce the light that plants need to grow. Indoor farming specialists will be able to adjust the lamps to gently shine on the plants without overheating or creating too much light. Your plants cannot get scorched by the sun in an indoor farming environment.
  2. Steady Water Source: There are several methods to providing continuous water to your products without waste. The best part about watering systems is the efficiency of water usage.
  3. Faster Growth: Because of the controlled environment with hydroponic HVAC, you can expect your plants to grow at faster rates. The elimination of outside environmental factors will allow more rapid growth.
  4. Use of Less Water: Because you don’t have wind, harsh sun, and open air, evaporation is minimal on an indoor farm. That means that you can use less water to nourish your plants.
  5. Keep Pests Away: Another factor that is eliminated with indoor farming is pest control. You can plant your lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers without rabbits, raccoons, or bugs taking a bite out of your crop.
  6. Healthy Soil or No Soil At All: Depending on the indoor farming method you choose, you don’t have to deal with contaminated soil outside. You can ensure that the soil is healthy and optimal. Some systems do not use soil and place the plants in rocks with the roots leading to a direct water source.
  7. Right Amount of Wind: Hydroponic HVAC creates the perfect amount of wind that will replicate nature. You don’t have to worry about large gusts of wind or heavy storms that may destroy your crops.

When you can control these environmental factors with a hydroponic HVAC system remotely, the conveniences outweigh the risks. You are able to build and grow your farm without calculating how much of your farm will be lost due to nature. You essentially eliminate the risks when you embark on indoor farming.

Keep Equipment Up and Running

With so many factors involved in running your hydroponic HVAC system, it is essential to have an expert on standby to keep the equipment performing at optimal levels. Remember, this can be done from afar, so you don’t need a hydroponic HVAC expert there on-site on your farm.

When you have so many factors going into keeping a stable environment for your crops, you want to ensure that your indoor farming investment is working on all cylinders.

Hydroponic HVAC Experts in NY and NJ

Whether your indoor farm is for industrial or commercial use, you can’t grow without the team at AirLogix. Our hydroponic HVAC experts can help you set up a system that allows your plants to thrive. Your crops deserve the best treatment from the top-of-the-line professionals at AirLogix.

If you have needs regarding a hydroponic HVAC system or need a refresh of your air conditioning as you start it up this Spring, do not hesitate to call our team and ask questions. We are available to serve your needs for hydroponic HVAC in NY and NJ. Schedule an appointment with us today for an initial consultation.

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